Showing posts with label Mindanao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindanao. Show all posts

The Summit

Mountain Biking is a booming sport/hobby here in Bukidnon, where cross country races are being held once or twice a year with different sponsors. Of all Bukidnon's biking population, most if not all have participated in the said competitions. Mountain bikes are common here since our roads are yet to be developed taking advantage of the different technologies offered today. While on the other side of the coin, road bikes are not far behind.

A Usual Mountain Bike with Platform Pedals (Usually they wear clipless pedals here)

One route usually taken by these cycling enthusiasts is "The Summit",which is known for its steep gradient of the road going to Cabanglasan, a fourth class municipality of Bukidnon and it passes through several barangays from the city proper of Malaybalay. "The Summit" is a training ground for beginners and veterans alike, but for those who bike in a leisurely pace the scenery is breathtaking (I'm not sure if the scenery took my breath away or the roads going there)

Surrounded by small mountains
"Bukidnon" (the mountain says it all)
Here begins the climb to the Summit

The road actually leads to that mountain at the back

Nagduaw Ako Sa "Maramag Bukidnon Plaza"

I visited a familiar place in town, the Maramag Town Plaza just a kilometer away from home. It's quite a popular site for the local people where Hatawan or a group aerobic fitness dance is being held at 5 am in the morning. 
Steel Benches
 It's almost a free ticket to fitness here. All you have to do is be motivated enough to wake up in the morning. The place is also relatively safe since the Police station is situated across the road.

If you are a running junkie like me, about 9 loops around the town plaza is equivalent to 3.2 kilometers. A handy tool, just in case you wish to know if you're set to joining any Military or Police service. Good time to jog will be at 5am towards 7am.

Most of all, having this on your sight makes fitness really fun.
