Riding Fort Bonifacio Mountain Bike Trail at Night, Possible?

When it comes to trail biking in Manila, you either have three options to go for a bike ride. Camp Aguinaldo, Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroe's Cemetery), and the famous Fort Bonifacio MTB trail. But the big question is... Can you possibly ride them at night? 

The closest bike trail in my place is undoubtedly the one located in the Army Headquarters (Fort Bonifacio), so I decided to try and find out. 

Since the trail is only open from 6AM - 6PM, I decided to stay until sun down. I learned that because the trail is heavily covered by vegetation, the it will already dark enough to turn on my bicycle headlight at 5:30 PM in the afternoon. 

Here's a photo of the bike trail at around 5:30 PM.
Like what I said in my older post, the trail extends 5.8 kilometers in length consisting of technical turns. With the moon above me, night riding can be serious fun if your know what you're doing. The air is significantly cooler, easier to breathe, and the sense of danger wrapped by silence is just part of the package. Awesome?! Of course!
I was able to finish one round until the trail master closed the gate and calling it a day. 

Though I recommend night riding for everyone, here are some tips I can share.
1) Gear Basics - Helmet, Shoes, Proper Clothing (Dry Fit upper and baggy shorts)
2) Check weather. I used Google Now to update me most of the time.
3) Check your lights. Always have the right equipment for the job. If you don't have a good light, better not go into riding at night. The trick here is being visible at the same time your ability to see the road clearly ahead.
4) Know the Trail First. Ah, before I forget. One should ride the trail on daytime first before he gets himself into riding at night. Using this approach, you are more aware of the sudden turns and bumps in the route. It'll be a safer ride.

Again, ride safe.