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Showing posts with label #lligan Bloggers Society. Show all posts

WAT Day 2 | Mimbalot Falls

The next waterfall in our trip is Mimbalot Falls situated at Brgy. Buruun, Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines. This waterfall takes just a few minutes out from the city. 

As you can see, you can visit three waterfalls in Iligan in just one day. From my former post, you can visit Maria Cristina Falls, Tinago Falls, and this Mimbalot Falls without having to stay overnight in the city. 

So what does Mimbalot Falls has to offer? 
Well for a start, Mimbalot offers a great opportunity to see Iligan as the city of waterfalls. It features a 90 ft. water drop and 18 ft. wide facade (as Pinay Travelista says it). It also gives you the benefit of communing with nature without having to travel far from the city. Being developed by an entrepreneur, the place will gradually be known as adventure park offering zipline and cable car services. 

We didn't have the chance to swim its nature-made pool basins' because we arrived too late. We probably enjoyed Tinago Falls and stayed too long for lunch at Maria Cristina Falls. 

To get here requires a jeepney, about 15 php per head to Brgy. Buru-un and stop at the Iligan City National School of Fisheries. An off-road trail will lead you to Mimbalot Falls around 10-15 minutes.

WAT Day 2: Hello Again, Tinago Falls!

After being able to satisfy ourselves with our Maria Cristina falls tour, the group proceeded to the second waterfall in our itinerary, this enabled me to say another hello to the enchanting Tinago falls. Probably the second most famous waterfall Iligan is known for.
Tinago Falls

I can still recall all those details when I was a kid where Tinago Falls was the first waterfall I was able to swim along its waters. It was so cold that I couldn't manage staying afloat even for a minute. I would stay on a nearby pool situated beside the gushing stream.

Pool Beside the Stream
Wait, pool? Yup! I said that right. Actually, in the past, my Tinago falls experience was accompanied by a beautiful zoo-resort situated in the entrance of the said waterfall, of which is located 450 steps higher in elevation. While at present, the resort is nothing but ruins.

Tinago Resort, Iligan City
The Ruins of Tinago Resort
It may seem like I had some pity upon hearing the fate of the rundown resort, but not the waterfall. Tinago falls remained a beautiful family runabout about 13 kilometers off the city. With a height drop of 240 feet while covered with trees, Tinago, in English means, hidden.

To get here requires a habal-habal, about 30 php. Or a jeepney thru Brgy. Buru-un line, about 14php. Taxi's in Iligan normally goes for an agreed flat-rate price. So I don't usually recommend them.
Waterfalling Adventure Tour participants!

Ten Minute Hike Starts Here
Upon arriving at the old resort entrance. It takes another 10 minutes to trek down. Children are advised to stay with their parents mainly because some steps are too steep for their stride.

Bamboo Raft
There are no known food stalls in the area so make sure you're packing enough for the planned day. Life vests can be rented out at a minimal fee. While cottages are also present, I didn't bother asking since we didn't need one. There's also a bamboo raft ride which costs' 20php per head allowin you to get near the waterfall.

- Prior to leaving the hotel, apply mosquito lotion since there are some mosquitoes flying over at the old resort ruins.
- Bring a lot big towels for changing clothes, there's no dressing room there.
- Empty your bowel beforehand. No toilets or portalets are available.

WAT Iligan Day 2: Visiting the Majestic Maria Cristina Falls

26 0900H September 2012 - It's my second day here in Iligan City, Philippines wherein I participated in the Waterfalling Adventure Tour hosted by the Iligan Bloggers Society. The first waterfall during the tour was the famous Maria Cristina Falls.

The thing is, I grew up with Maria Cristina falls not because I live in Iligan. I actually grew up knowing her because of the books I read back in grade school. Funny, ask anyone in primary school, they know lots of things about Maria and Cristina's story and why it became such a fairy tale of love about a boy. Oh I wish I was that boy...

It is actually my second time to visit her. The first visit wasn't much appreciated since I was very young then. But this date has been quite another personal meeting, I wondered on her beauty and how she supplies the electricity needed by the whole Northern Mindanao. She's never enchanting though, unlike Tinago Falls, but she's just as majestic. Sadly, this waterfall felt shy as I can't see Maria flowing with water.

After being able to rekindle an old past, the group went for a short zip course. I think it's the best zip course I've been to'. I initiated inverted positions without fear and I thought the day was just about to start.

Before we moved to another waterfall, a quick lunch from Jacko's Kan-anan was packed along with the trip. Delicious!
Fish Kinilaw

Pork Barbecue
Grilled Kitong with Soy Sauce
The next waterfall I will be featuring is the Tinago Falls. Stay tuned!

Jacko's Kan-anan: Delightfully Tasty Krispy Squid

The mouth watering Krispy Squid.
One great dinner along with Iligan Bloggers Society happened at Jacko's Kan-anan to welcome the participants of the Waterfalling Adventure Tour held here at Iligan City.

Started in 2009, this great dining place actually started as a car wash shop with mini snackbar. Sadly, the place was washed away when tropical storm Sendong came. After some renovations, the owners had decided to put up a place to find good food starting with their own home-made recipe - the Krispy Squid.

150? 130? Nope, it's actually just under that - 120 pesos. Good for two. It can melt the heart of food lovers as the flavor of the squid settles in the tongue. Like any other recipe I have found in other places, this is one of the best recipe's I can vouch for.

Krispy Tuna Belly
Jacko's are also known for their Krispy Tuna Belly and Krispy Tuna Buntot. Two of these dishes fetch at 120 and 250 pesos respectively. The place offer small-run functions and catering services.

Jacko's Kan-anan is located at Hinaplanon - National Highway (Near Phoenix Gas Station), Iligan City.
